Carlos B. Manabat, Jr.

Carlos is a multi-instrumentalist, aspiring pilot, and bilingual airman stationed in Offutt Air Force Base that hails from the Philippines. He is a jack of all trades when it comes to music, though he has not mastered every instrument. Carlos mainly plays piano and tenor saxophone and is currently the pianist and music director at Capehart Chapel and Strategic Air Command Chapel at Offutt.
Just like many youngsters, Carlos was enrolled in a formal piano lesson during summer break when he was in grade school. At first, he considered those lessons as more of a chore than hobby. The dullness of the process of learning to play musical instrument was strenuously endured by this fledgling lad. He is no stranger to being distracted as exemplified by his limited time that was haphazardly allocated to studies, sports, and computer games. It was not until one of his teachers introduced chords instead of notes when his passion for music was ignited. Having the fundamental knowledge and unprecedented enthusiasm cultivated his fervent interest in music. Since then, he preferred and has been playing or learning by ear almost every song that he desires to play.
Carlos was a member of his high school band as a self-taught guitarist and drummer, and competed in the local battle of the bands. Since 2009, he has played and volunteered at different churches in the Philippines, California, and Texas, before arriving here in the area. Initially, he started playing the organ at his hometown church until he slowly transitioned to the piano. For over 10 years, he has honed his skills and continues to play for different churches, be it Catholic or Protestant. He has been providing entertainment as a musician at weddings, birthdays and other social events as well.
Valley View Music is thrilled to be able to offer piano, guitar, drums, and tenor saxophone lessons with Carlos as a teacher. He will definitely bring to the table a unique style of teaching, which is a non-traditional way of learning to play musical instruments in the shortest amount of time. If you’re interested to take lessons with him, please fill out the form below.